Ordinary Annual General Meeting Thursday 10 April 2003

Please be informed that the Directors' report given by the Chairman at the Annual General Meeting was noted.
The report contained the information which was already sent to the Copenhagen Stock Exchange with our electronic annual report 2002 dated 18 March 2003 and the printed Annual Report for 2002 which was delivered on 31 March 2003.
The Annual Report for 2002 was approved.
A dividend of DKK 2.00 per DKK 20 share as proposed by the Board of Directors was approved.
Director Stephen Horner was up for election and was re-elected.
Director Bjarne Eriksen was up for election and was re-elected.
Kaj Fauerskov Sørensen was up for election as deputy director and was re-elected.
The auditing company KPMG C. Jespersen and Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab Grant Thornton were re-elected.
The Board of Directors was authorised, in the period up to 10 October 2004, within the scope of totally 10% of the Group's share capital to let the Group acquire own shares at the market price valid at the acquisition time with a deviation of up to 10%.
During a subsequent board meeting the Board of Directors elected its officers with Director Mogens Petersen as Chairman and Director John Gath as Vice-Chairman.
As a consequence of, among other things, changes in the Danish Financial Statements Act, the Board of Directors proposed amendments of the Articles of Association which amendments were unanimously approved. However, the necessary 2/3 of the share capital were not represented at the Annual General Meeting, and an extraordinary general meeting will therefore be called on 20 May 2003, 2 pm at the Group's head office where the proposal is expected to be finally approved.
Yours faithfully,
Mogens Petersen
Asger Domino
President & CEO
The press release can be downloaded from the following link:


Press release (PDF)