Industriforvaltnings AB Kinnevik: Notice of Annual General Meeting

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, April 17, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Industriforvaltnings AB Kinnevik (Nasdaq:KVIKA) (Nasdaq:KVIKB) hereby invites shareholders in Industriforvaltnings AB Kinnevik to the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on Friday, May 16, 2003 at 11 a.m. CET at Gamla Stans Bryggeri, Tullhus 2, Skeppsbron, Stockholm.


Shareholders who wish to participate at the Annual General Meeting shall

- have entered in the register of shareholders maintained by VPC AB (the Swedish Securities Register Center) on Tuesday 6 May 2003.

- notify the company of their intention of participating by no later than on Monday 12 May 2003 at 3.00pm CET. The notification shall be made on the company's website,, or in writing to the company:

 Industriforvaltnings AB Kinnevik
 P.O Box 2094
 SE-103 13 Stockholm, Sweden
 or by telephone +46 33-724 12 67.

When giving notice of participation, the shareholder should state name,personal identification number (or company registration number),address, telephone number, shareholdings and any advisors attending.Shareholders who wish to be represented by a representative shall submita written power of attorney giving authorisation to a specific persontogether with the notice of participation. Written notifications shouldbe marked "AGM".

Shareholders whose shares are registered in the names of nominees musttemporarily re-register the shares in their own name in order to beentitled to participate in the Meeting. In order to be entered in theregister of shareholders by Tuesday 6 May 2003, shareholders mustrequest temporary re-registration a sufficient number of working daysbefore this date.


 1.  Election of Chairman of the Meeting.
 2.  Preparation and approval of the voting list.
 3.  Approval of the agenda.
 4.  Election of one or two persons to check and verify the minutes.
 5.  Determination of whether the Meeting has been duly convened.
 6.  Presentation of the annual report and auditors' report and of 
     the consolidated financial statements and the report of the
     auditors on the consolidated financial statements.
 7.  Decision on the adoption of the income statement and balance 
     sheet and of the consolidated income statement and the 
     consolidated balance sheet.
 8.  Decision on the proposed treatment of the company's 
     unappropriated earnings or accumulated loss as stated in the 
     adopted balance sheet.
 9.  Decision on the discharge of liability of the members of the
     Board of Directors and the Managing Director.
 10. Determination of the number of members and deputy members of
     the Board of Directors and the number of auditors and deputy
 11. Determination of the fees of the members of the Board of 
     Directors and the auditors.
 12. Election of the members and deputy members of the Board of
 13. Election of auditors and deputy auditors.
 14. Proposal from the shareholder, Farallon Capital, regarding offer to
     reclassify shares of Class A into shares of Class B.
 15. Proposal from the shareholder, The Swedish Shareholders'
    Association, that the Meeting shall:
  (a) elect a nomination committee;
  (b) authorise the Board of Directors to elect a remuneration 
  (c) authorise the Board of Directors to elect an audit committee.
 16. Closure of the Meeting.


The Board of Directors proposes that the Meeting resolves on a dividend for the fiscal year 2002 corresponding to SEK four (4) per share. The Board of Directors further proposes that the record day for the dividend shall be Wednesday 21 May 2003.


It is proposed that Bruce Grant, Edvard von Horn, Wilhelm Klingspor, Stig Nordin, Ulf Spang and Dag Tigerschiold shall be re-elected Board members and that Anders Fallman and Cristina Stenbeck shall be elected new members of the Board of Directors. It is proposed that Carl Lindgren is re-elected auditor and that Bjorn Flink is re-elected deputy auditor. At the Annual General Meeting 2001, Lars Traff and Erik Astrom were elected auditors and Thomas Forslund and Anders Wiger deputy auditors for a period of four years. The above proposals are supported by shareholders representing more than 50 per cent of the votes in the company.

OFFER TO RECLASSIFY SHARES OF CLASS A INTO SHARES OF CLASS B The shareholder, Farallon Capital, proposes that the General Meeting resolves that holders of shares of Class A shall be entitled to reclassify shares of Class A into shares of Class B, whereby each share of Class A shall be reclassified into one share of Class B. Request for reclassification shall be made during the period commencing on 23 May 2003 up to and including 6 June 2003.

 For further information, please contact:
 Vigo  Carlund, CEO, Industriforvaltnings AB Kinnevik 
 tel: +46 8  5620 0000

 Matthew  Hooper,  Investor & Press Relations
 tel:  +44  20  7321 5010

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