Destiny Amongst the Stars -- New Novel Follows Woman with Special Gifts that Could Save the Universe

FARNAM, Neb., April 22, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Kate and Sam Blake are the reluctant recipients of the essence of an ancient civilization and are tasked with returning it to Atlantea to prevent a war that was prophesized in the sixth century. This is the exciting beginning of the new book, Choices: Book 1, The Metamorphosis (now available through 1stBooks Library), by S.B. Minges.

Thrusting the reader into the 23rd century, Minges tells how Kate and Sam complete part of their task and when war fails to manifest, they believe the prophecy was wrong. They settle back into their relatively normal lives, but normalcy is far from returning. Kate is kidnapped. Her kidnappers have told her that the prophecy was not wrong and that she is a key to the survival of four worlds. Alacea is a key outpost in the coming conflict but the Alaceans are on the verge of the civil war. Her new charge is to prevent a civil war and unite the land and sea species.

Kate's abductor faces a more daunting task. He must convince his victim to overcome the conflicts that plague her since she steadfastly rejects the source of the gifts she received and her own destiny. Now, everyone's lives depend on her.

An exciting and gripping science fiction tale, Choices will take readers across the universe and into the heart of destiny.

Minges has been writing as a part of her job for most of her adult life. Her three decade long career has been in marketing technical services in a specialized field called "predictive maintenance." A corporate officer for the last half of her career, she was responsible for every phase of marketing, including technical writing, sales and training internally. She began to write Choices when she was 17. Life made her put the novel on hold. "When my oldest daughter died I was given a box of her 'treasures.' Inside the box were hundreds of pages of my manuscript and notes. A note on top simply said, "finish it," Minges remembers. Choices: Book 1, The Metamorphosis is her first book and the first in a trilogy.


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