Call for Extraordinary General Meeting

Based on, among other things, changes in the Danish Financial Statements Act, the Annual General Meeting at 10 April 2003 decided a number of amendments of the Articles of Association. However, the proposal could not be finally approved as less than two thirds of the share capital was represented.
Therefore an
Extraordinary General Meeting at 20 May 2003, at 2 pm at the Group's head office, Klampenborgvej 203, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
is hereby convened.
Enclosed is the notice convening the Extraordinary General Meeting together with agenda and a requisition for ordering admittance card. We would point out that the requisition may also be used for issue of a power of attorney. You may return the requisition, duly filled in, in the enclosed reply envelope which should be with Danske Bank at the latest on Thursday 15 May 2003. Requisition of admittance cards for the Extraordinary General Meeting can also be made via Internet on our homepage or the homepage of Danske Bank at
Yours sincerely,
The Board of Directors of
Brødrene Hartmann A/S
The press release can be downloaded from the following link:


Press release (PDF)