Orion Capital Markets Day Thursday 5 June 2003 at Orion Corporation, Espoo

We are delighted to preliminarily advise you on the Capital Markets Day of Orion Corporation
for institutional investors and financial analysts on
Thursday 5 June 2003 at 1.30 - 5.00 pm
at the auditorium of Orion's head office in Espoo, Finland
address Orionintie 1A, Espoo.

The language of the event will be English.
To register for an invitation to the event, please
fill the registration form on our homepage www.orion.fi,
or contact Mrs. Minna Lyhykäinen
Phone   +358 10 429 3504.
The schedule of the event will be forwarded to you as part of the invitation during week 20.
The programme will also be available in the Calendar on our homepage www.orion.fi
With best regards
Anne Allo
VP, Investor Relations
+358 10 429 3735, mobile phone +358 50 429 3735
The invitation can also be downloaded from the enclosed link

