Further resignations at Ahold's U.S. Foodservice

Zaandam, The Netherlands, May 14, 2003 - Ahold today announced that following the resignation of U.S. Foodservice President & CEO Mr. Jim Miller, Mr. Michael Resnick, Chief Financial Officer of U.S. Foodservice, and Mr. David Abramson, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of U.S. Foodservice have offered their resignations. Both resignations have been accepted by Ahold, and are effective immediately.
Mr. Resnick joined U.S. Foodservice in October, 2000, and has served in several financial capacities since that time. He became CFO in 2001.
Mr. Abramson has been with U.S. Foodservice since July, 1996, when he was hired as General Counsel. He later became an Executive Vice President in addition to his duties as General Counsel.


Resnick & Abramson