Reykjavik (Iceland), May 14, 2003 - Ossur hf. (OSSR)  and Victhom Human Bionics Inc.  (TSX Venture Exchange: VHB) have announced that they have just reached a partnership agreement aimed at the worldwide commercialization of Victhom's prosthetic products.
In accordance with this agreement, Ossur, will act as the manufacturer and distributor of Victhom's technology platform in the prosthetics market. This licensing agreement provides for the commercialization of Victhom's first product as well as the co-development of other products in the field of orthotics and prosthetics using Victhom's bionic technology.
"This partnership agreement is a major milestone in Victhom's development because it will enable the company to attain profitability in the short-term. Also, the quality of our technology is now receiving global recognition since Ossur enjoys the highest credibility in its field," underlined Mr. Benoit Côte, Victhom's President and Chief Executive Officer.
"We are very pleased to team up with Victhom. This company's human bionics technology fits perfectly into our strategy which aims at developing prosthetic products that imitate the real functions of the human body as closely as possible," said Jon Sigurdsson, Ossur's President and CEO.
Terms of the agreement
The licensing agreement provides for an initial payment to Victhom of 2 million U.S. dollars as well as royalties to be paid for the duration of the patents under licence and the establishment of an integrated development plan.
This partnership also includes a Co-branding clause in which Victhom will be recognized as the innovation provider and technology leader in the Human Bionic field.
About Victhom Human Bionics
Victhom Human Bionics is a company based in Quebec City, Canada. It is devoted to the development and marketing of bionic devices aimed at improving the quality of life of people suffering from physical dysfunctions.
For more information:    
Mr. Benoit Côte
President and Chief Executive Officer
Victhom Human Bionics Inc.
Phone: + (418) 872-5665, ext. 104
Jon Sigurdsson
President & CEO                                    
Direct line: (354) 664-1049
Simon Poitras
Hill & Knowlton/Ducharme Perron
Phone : + (418) 523-3352, poste 239