SCLD Celebrates First Anniversary

PANAMA CITY, Panama, July 3, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- San Cristobal Land Development (SCLD) ( is pleased to announce its first anniversary on July 3, 2003. During its one-year history, SCLD has positioned itself as a leading Emerging Growth Real Estate (EGRE) developer in the Caribbean and Latin America. SCLD has reported one-year sales of over US$ 6,000,000 for its EGRE and Tropical Working Farm (TWF) projects in Bocas del Toro and Palmira, Panama. SCLD has successfully sold out Phases I, II and most of Phase III (over 1,000 acres) of its Bocas plantation. There is currently a waiting list for the Bocas project as well as for the 680-acre Palmira plantation near San Blas, Pamana.

Distrust of conventional markets and the desire to retire with residency in a safe country have caused baby boomers to seek solid cash-generating opportunities showing stable, double-digit returns. The TWF combined-return, EGRE business model developed by SCLD brilliantly satisfies this need. Investors enjoy the returns of reforestation and cash harvests while the natural appreciation of the Caribbean land grows long-term wealth -- a formula that makes sense to SCLD's international investors. Roger Gallo of speaks for the investment community when he calls the TWF model, "The best investment I've seen in 20 years!" The words of plantation buyer Charlie Stahl sum up the benefits of the TWF from an ownership point of view, "I have been researching property and income and a second residency for the last year and a half. The Panamanian forestry deal in my opinion is the best around. The only investment I have ever made of this nature has fortunately been the best I could have hoped for. For me, this will be a dream come true."

In order to fulfill client's expectations in regards to clearing, planting, managing and harvesting their plantation yields, San Cristobal Land Management (SCLM), a subsidiary of SCLD, has entered into an Agreement with Geo Forestal Panama. Geo Forestal specializes in a variety of large-scale reforestation activities including on-site plantation development and yield management, plantation certification with relevant international authorities and organizations, administration and consulting. Geo Forestal works closely with ANAM, Panama's Renewable Natural Resources Institute, the agency that regulates Panamanian reforestation projects under the provisions of Panama's Reforestation Law No. 24 of 1992, which extends a 25-year, tax-free status and eligibility for Panamanian residency to farm owners. Geo Forestal has reforested approximately 5,000 acres in Panama for clients such as the Panama Canal Authority and the National Forest Plantation of Darien province, among others.

"This is what you call exciting, fulfilling real estate and customer response has proven this true," states SCLD Management. "A large percentage of our customers have purchased sight unseen. The demand has been incredible and we are happy to provide a wealth-generation vehicle that really brightens our customers' lives. This has been an excellent first year and we look forward to bringing more opportunities to more investors in the future."

Prices for waterfront Tropical Working Farms in Bocas del Toro are currently $156,000 for a 20-acre farm and $91,000 for a 10-acre site. Ten-acre, beachfront plantations in Palmira are priced at $106,000.

For media information or to schedule interviews, contact, 1-866-811-5324 (U.S.) or at +507-322-0913 (Panama).

About San Cristobal Land Development, Inc.

San Cristobal Land Development (SCLD) is a leading developer of Emerging Growth Real Estate in the Caribbean. Through SCLD, investors have access to a portfolio of international properties that have been hand-selected by a real estate and marketing team that has a proven track record of identifying emerging-growth destinations, properties and opportunities. These may have unique timing value, have suffered media damage or simply possess infrastructure improvement opportunities.

SCLD offers carefully executed programs that bring value to its investors. Investors benefit from a solid return on their money while it works, and SCLD offers tremendous upside potential that our customers benefit from before we do. This "customer-first" mentality has provided SCLD with a global network of real-estate purchasers seeking our opportunities.


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