Heijmans to acquire Sanders en Geraedts Groep in Swalmen

Sanders en Geraedts Groep comprises the holding company Sanders en Geraedts Beheermaatschappij bv and its four subsidiaries Sanders en Geraedts bv, Sanders en Geraedts Afvalverwerking bv, bv Gebrs. Vergoossen and Geraedts Tiefbau GmbH. The group's activities include, in the broadest sense, waste disposal, equipping waste disposal locations, quarry operations and road construction. Sanders en Geraedts Groep owns strategic sand and gravel positions that supplement the extraction facilities already operated by Heijmans Infrastructure.
In 2002, Sanders en Geraedts Groep realised net revenues of almost EUR 11 million, making a good profit. Both directors, the Geraedts brothers, will stay on in their current position.
In accordance with the SER Merger Code resolution, the trade unions involved have been notified about the talks between the two companies.