Review in Germany for Orion Pharma's levosimendan

The research documentation concerning Orion Corporation Orion Pharma's levosimendan has been taken for review by the German drug authority, in the light of the recent Phase III study results, which Orion Pharma published in June. The statement from the German authority BfArM is expected in the beginning of the last quarter of the year.
Orion Corporation
Jukka Viinanen            Risto Miettunen
President and CEO      Executive Vice President
Contact Person:
Risto Miettunen, President, Orion Pharma, phone +358 10 429 4299
Orion Corporation
Corporate Administration
Orionintie 1, FIN-02200 Espoo
Heikki Vuonamo, Corporate VP, Communications
Phone +358 10 429 4967