Ghost Stories My Mother Told Me -- New Book Collects Chilling Bedtime Tales of the Supernatural

KATY, Texas, July 18, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Like a good ghost story? Author Lecy McKenzie Pritchett has returned with another tome of ghosts and creepy things that go bump in the night. Her new book, Ghost Stories My Mother Told Me (now available through 1stBooks), is a collection of eight hauntingly scary stories.

Pritchett leaves no hair lying down as she spins old yarns. Most of the stories stem from those told to her by her mother, Isabel Martinez McKenzie, which are based on her gypsy life and encounters with supernatural forces. These bedtime stories used to leave her shivering when she was younger, Pritchett says.

From an evil Indian princess, bloodthirsty for revenge, to a mother battling unseen terrors to save her child to a sad little boy whose search for love and acceptance transcends both time and death, each story is designed to leave the reader clinging to the edge of their seat. Also, each story contains a lesson to be learned in life. It's up to the reader to decide what lesson is taught, the author notes. Many stories are based on true encounters of the ghostly kind, she adds.

"So go ahead, lock your doors, turn up the lights and get ready for a frightfully good scare that is sure to please you," Pritchett dares.

Born and raised in Bastrop, La., Pritchett attended college in Monroe, La. She later moved to El Dorado, Ark., and, years later, moved to Houston to begin a career in real estate management. She later married and has four children and one stepson. Currently, she works as the human resources director for TRW Modernfold Company, Inc. Always loving to write, especially about supernatural occurrences, Pritchett began writing after her 50th birthday. Her first book, A Ghostly Cry (available through 1stBooks) was released in 2002. Ghost Stories My Mother Told Me is her second offering.

Readers can learn more about Pritchett and her books by visiting her Web site at


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