Numico -- video interviews with the President and the CFO

ZOETERMEER, The Netherlands, Aug. 14, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- presents video interviews with Numico's (Other OTC:NUMCF) president and CFO about Interim results

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 - Interview with Jan Bennink, President and Chief Executive 
   - Performance and outlook; Baby Food and Clinical; GNC; Dividend

 - Interview with Jean-Marc Huet, Chief Financial Officer
   - Cashflow; Debt and working capital; Shareholders equity; Dividend

 - Live webcast of results presentation at 1530 BST with archived version
   following later

These interviews is available in video, audio and transcript.

It's free to view. All you need to do is register at is an online financial website where top management of companies address the critical issues facing their businesses.

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