Relaunch Deepens Coverage of the Mobile Internet

ESPOO, Finland -, the Web's leading mobile Internet site, celebrates its third birthday Tuesday, August 19 at 17:00 GMT, by relaunching with a new design and new content to better serve its community of 31,000 registered members from 120 countries around the globe.
To celebrate the relaunch, TheFeature is hosting a Mobile Internet Summit webcast at 17:00 GMT Tuesday, live from Helsinki, Finland, featuring a roundtable discussion of mobile industry thought leaders giving their views on where the mobile industry has been and where it's headed, as well as taking questions from TheFeature's community of readers.
The webcast will feature the executive vice president of Nokia Mobile Phones, Anssi Vanjoki; as well as Jim Griffin, the CEO of music and entertainment delivery company Cherry Lane Digital; noted Web pioneer, speaker, and author Justin Hall; and Mato Valtonen, best known as the lead singer of Finland's Leningrad Cowboys, but more recently the founder of now-defunct mobile services provider Wapit Ltd. Valtonen has also chronicled the rise and - like so many other early mobile startups - fall of his company in "Riding the Wireless Wave: The Wapit Story," an exclusive e-book available only from TheFeature. 
TheFeature will also introduce a new set of mobile services, allowing users to experience the cutting edge of the mobile Internet instead of just reading about it. The mobile services will not only let users keep up with the latest content from the site, but will also give them access to exclusive content and services that will keep them up to date with the latest mobile industry news.
One of the biggest changes to the site is the introduction of new comment and discussion features, where users can comment on any of the content posted on the site and strike up conversations among TheFeature's community of the industry's top leaders, thinkers, developers, observers and commentators. But there are lots of tools to separate the wheat from the chaff in these discussions, the least of which the participation of TheFeature's knowledgeable editors and contributors, but also site features where the community of users rates the contributions of others, giving readers that continually make the best comments more credibility and visibility on the site.
The new version of TheFeature will also feature weblogs from its top contributors, allowing them to share their thoughts on the latest happenings in the industry on an immediate and continual basis. These, of course, will feature comments and feedback from the site's community of users, allowing them to engage in new levels of interaction and conversation with TheFeature's team of well-respected commentators and reporters. But readers will continue to see the insightful analysis and in-depth articles they've come to expect from the site as well.
"What better way to celebrate TheFeature's third birthday than with a bunch of presents for our community?" said Editor-in-Chief Sean Krepp. "Our users, after all, are the main reason for our success, so we thought we'd give something back by introducing a new, cleaner and friendlier design, new mobile service, as well as a number of new features to increase the level of interactivity they have with each other and our roster of editors and correspondents that have their finger on the pulse of the industry. We're excited to increase the level of participation from our community of readers, who can share their first-hand experience and knowledge of the mobile Internet with each other."
Nokia's (, an award winning Web site, is the mobile Internet industry's premier thinking space, where industry professionals gather to learn about and discuss issues affecting the industry and share their visions of a mobile future. Selected as Editor's Choice by, Wireless Week, Popular Science and Smart Money, has quickly gained a name for itself as a leading voice of the wireless industry.
The comments and opinions expressed on are solely those of its writers and content partners and are not official statements by Nokia or any of its business partners or affiliates.
Further information:
Sean Paavo Krepp
Justin Ried
Executive Editor
Media Enquiries:
Nokia Press Office
Tel. +358 7180 34900