The True Definition of a Strong Man - New book tells how connection to emotions creates stronger men

DOLORES, Colo., Oct. 14, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- For author Charles Hess, divorce and deep self-reflection led him to become a changed man and, in fact, even more of a man, he writes. In his new book, Whatever It Takes: From Fear to Freedom (now available through 1stBooks), he uses his personal story as an example of how men can recapture tenderness and recognize emotion in their lives, which can lead to true happiness.

Today, men are terrified of losing any aspect of their manhood, Hess writes. Because they are out of touch with their ability to pinpoint and express emotions, they often become detached, weak and unable to fulfill the role of a strong figure for their families. Hess was once one of these men, but after a divorce and time spent analyzing the roots of his behavior, he came to understand how men are obstructing their chances for more satisfying relationships and greater inner peace. Achieving a connection with their emotions does not relinquish any part of their manhood, he writes, it only transforms them into balanced, stronger men.

"We need men who can appreciate a sunrise or a sunset, men who love their families with passion and honor, men who adore womanhood, yet dislike weakness or coyness. We need men with compassion, sensitive to the needs of the less fortunate, men who are tender with their wives and children, men who have developed an ability to love. Understanding what a real man is is the way to fulfillment. Fulfillment does not come, as many suppose, by recognition, honors, money, security, material items, or great sex. Although these things contribute to a man's feeling of well being, his greatest fulfillment comes in actually being a man," the author writes.

Using personal memories and recollections, he offers a book to help both readers understand men's struggles and how they can overcome their false sense of the "macho" ideal to become better lovers, husbands and fathers. Hess is a living testament to his message and offers a captivating look inside masculinity in today's society.

Following his divorce and financial problems, Hess took part in everything from fire walking to teaching classes and finally discovered his inner self. He now lives in Colorado. Whatever It Takes is his first book.


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