Mobile-recycling benefits charity

The recycling of mobile phones is an innovative project that combines two sincere wishes: it protects the environment from harmful waste material and it benefits Plan's charity programme for poor children across the world. The reason behind this initiative is that more and more Norwegians are now buying new mobile handsets more frequently. The heap of discarded phones is continuously growing and becoming a threat to the environment. The mobile industry is already responsible for collecting and destroying old phones, but few know of this service.
Millions of used phones
"We believe there are between four and five million mobile phones hidden in drawers and cupboards in Norwegian households. These actually pose a considerable threat to the environment. At Telenor, we take our responsibility very seriously and wish to draw attention to the arrangement for returning used phones. The fact that we are also able to support Plan's efforts to promote children's rights across the world is of course a bonus that we are very happy about," said Managing Director, Telenor Mobil, Ingvild Myhre.
Dangaard Telecom Norway takes care of the phones that are handed in. Those that are still in good shape are sent to countries where they may still be used. The rest are destroyed according to environmental rules.
Huge potential
Plan sees a huge potential in this arrangement: "If  200,000 phones are handed in during the campaign period of the next six months, then Plan will have made ten million NOK for our projects. When a single phone handed in can pay for eight vaccinations, it gives an idea of the scope of this support," said Sandro Parmeggiani, Secretary-general, Plan Norge.
For further information, please contact:       
Head of Information, Telenor Mobil, Sigurd Sandvin, tef. (+47) 905 21 100