March 29, 2004 -- San Francisco, CA :  Nokia, a world leader in mobile communications, and the International Youth Foundation (IYF) today announced a three-year expansion of their global Make a Connection program.  The initiative, first launched in April 2000, has directly benefited more than 100,000 participating youth worldwide and indirectly benefited another 1.3 million people in the communities where these young people live.  With this new agreement the program, currently active in 17 countries, could be expanded to a total of 30 countries over the next three years.  Nokia's commitment, representing more than US$15 million to date, will continue to grow.  The announcement was made during Boston College's annual Corporate Citizenship Conference in San Francisco.
"We are firmly committed to making a positive contribution to the communities in which we operate," said Martin Sandelin, Nokia's Senior Vice President of Marketing.  "Positive life-skills development not only benefits the young people in these programs, it also benefits the long-term development of the communities and societies in which the young people are active.  The focus Nokia and IYF have on results has led to an outstanding track record from the first four years, supporting our decision to expand the program further."
The initiative's significant growth over the last four years is attributed to Nokia's long-standing commitment to innovative youth programs and to IYF's network of on-the-ground partner organizations around the world that run Make a Connection programs locally. On the global level, IYF and Nokia manage the initiative by providing program governance, guidelines for operations, technical assistance and program support.  In each country, Nokia's local staff provides technical assistance and dedicated volunteers.  
"The three-year extension of Make a Connection represents the very best of strategic, effective collaboration," said David W. Hornbeck, President and CEO of IYF.  "The program keeps youth at the forefront and has benefited young people by utilizing local knowledge and expertise.  Both partners - Nokia and IYF - are deeply committed to developing engaged, responsible citizens in communities worldwide."
From the beginning, Make a Connection has emphasized the development of positive life skills, including self-confidence, responsibility and teamwork.  The initiative offers young people the opportunity to connect with their peers, families, communities, and themselves through a series of locally relevant activities.  Programs include:
  • Make a Connection in Brazil, an outreach project in which more than 1,000 dedicated young adults and teachers are trained as reading mentors to motivate thousands of disadvantaged and at-risk children and youth in poor urban neighborhoods to pursue an education.
  • Make a Connection in South Africa, which offers an innovative three-month training course to unemployed college graduates to build self-confidence, improve teamwork and presentation skills, acquire basic computer literacy, and learn how to find and keep a job.
  • Make a Connection in Canada, which strengthens the personal and social skills of more than 15,000 Aboriginal youth by improving communication and conflict resolution skills, instilling respect for others, and enabling them to make healthy and informed choices about their lives.
  • Make a Connection in Poland, which supports youth volunteering projects in three Polish provinces:
    Young people develop and implement community service projects and acquire leadership and life skills that enrich their lives and enhance their chances in the job market.
  • Make a Connection in the Philippines, which provides leadership training for indigenous youth, helping them develop life, leadership and employment skills that enable them to relate effectively and live productively in the culturally diverse society of the Philippines.
About Make a Connection
Make a Connection, launched in April 2000, is a global initiative of the International Youth Foundation and Nokia to promote positive youth development by giving young people an opportunity to make a connection to their communities, to their families and peers, and to themselves. The program improves young people's educational opportunities, teaches them life skills and helps them make a positive contribution to their societies. Programs are now up and running in 17 countries: Brazil, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.  More information on Make a Connection can be found at
About the International Youth Foundation
The International Youth Foundation (IYF) is dedicated to supporting programs that improve the conditions and prospects for young people where they live, learn, work, and play.  Since its founding in 1990, IYF has worked with hundreds of companies, foundations, and non-governmental organizations to scale up existing programs and build long-term strategic partnerships.  Currently operating in nearly 60 countries, IYF and its partners have helped millions of young people gain the skills, training and opportunities critical to their success.  More information on IYF can be found at
About Nokia
Nokia is committed to having a positive impact on society that extends beyond the advanced technology, products and services the company creates.  Through its cooperation with IYF and other regional philanthropic and social responsibility programs, the company prepares young people to embrace opportunities and possibilities created by the global economy and new technological advancements.  The company has been an active regional contributor to youth and education causes for many years, with Nokia employees making their own contributions as volunteers in a range of programs throughout the world.  More information on Nokia can be found at
Media Enquiries:
International Youth Foundation
Karen Diakun, Vice President, Communications
Tel: +1-410-951-2328,
Community Involvement, Customer and Market Operations
Veronica Scheubel
Tel. +358 7180 34478