Nokia to provide nationwide TETRA radio network for Swedish authorities

A consortium, led by Saab and including Nokia and Swedia, has won a contract from the Swedish government to build a professional mobile radio network for the shared use of all Swedish public safety organizations.  The consortium will provide and operate a single nationwide TETRA-based network that will replace the large number of separate systems currently in use by the Swedish authorities. 
The Swedish government has allocated some 250 million euros for the "Radio communication for effective public safety" project (known by its Swedish acronym RAKEL).  Nokia will provide its complete TETRA system, while Saab AB will carry out system integration and Swedia Networks will provide operation and system maintenance. 
Nokia TETRA System will provide uniform and seamless network-wide services as well as uncompromised security.  The network will have nationwide coverage, and it will be implemented in phases during 2004-2009 starting in southern Sweden, followed by the Stockholm and Gothenburg regions. 
"The Swedish authority network will be the largest shared TETRA network in the world in terms of geography, and winning this deal has decidedly been a major achievement for the consortium," says Matti Peltola, Vice President, Professional Mobile Radio, Networks, Nokia.  "We are confident that our Nordic consortium is also the best choice for the citizens of Sweden.  The Nokia TETRA system will enable seamless communication between the Swedish authorities, and help them in their great responsibility to the Swedish people." 
Deliveries of the Nokia TETRA system, including digital TETRA exchanges, TETRA base stations, network management system, and dispatcher workstations will begin during 2004. 
Nokia is the world's leading supplier of TETRA networks and terminals and has demonstrated an unique capability to deliver multi-switch TETRA networks with the ability to provide all TETRA services uniformly countrywide.  Special features include: top-class communication security, fast group calls, sophisticated emergency call functionality, prioritized calls, advanced messaging and data communication services, including packet data.  The open interfaces of Nokia TETRA solutions enable seamless integration to command and control systems.  Nokia continues investing in TETRA radio technology and systems for the benefit of present and future customers. 
Nokia is the world leader in mobile communications.  Backed by its experience, innovation, user-friendliness and secure solutions, the company has become the leading supplier of mobile phones and a leading supplier of mobile, fixed broadband and IP networks.  By adding mobility to the Internet Nokia creates new opportunities for companies and further enriches the daily lives of people.  Nokia is a broadly held company with listings on five major exchanges.
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Nokia Networks
Tel. 358 7180 38198
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Notes to the editors
TETRA technology is a world standard published by ETSI for digital mobile trunking networks.  TETRA networks offer secure, digital mobile communication for professional organizations such as oil and gas companies, utilities, the transportation and public safety and security sector (police, emergency, civil defence, security services, etc.).  Data communication improves field operations by allowing users to access databases via their radios.
Most European countries have already chosen the open TETRA standard as the basis for their public authority radio networks, as have a number of countries elsewhere in the world.
TETRA technology minimizes the capital investments and the operational expenses of organizations because it allows simultaneous and independent use of a single existing network by many services, administrations and ministries.  TETRA enhances the safety of classified information by using encryption of the connection.  It also increases the effectiveness and the coordination of different services and ministries in crises and natural disaster situations through connecting independent Virtual Private Networks into one communication environment.