Philadelphia Peacemaker Shrine Chosen as First American by Italian Church for Honor

PHILADELPHIA, April 1, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- The National Shrine of Saint Rita in Philadelphia, PA was recently awarded a prestigious honor by the Shrine of Saint Rita in Cascia, Italy to take place in both cities in April and May. This honor is known as "The Twinning of the Two Shrines". Beginning the weekend after Easter, some 25 dignitaries from Cascia, Italy will visit Philadelphia to begin the celebration of the life of Saint Rita and the partnership of the two shrines.

The Shrine in Cascia, Italy, the southern area of the Umbrian region, searches the globe annually to find another church devoted to its Patron, Saint Rita the Peacemaker. The title "Peacemaker" is rooted in the saint's pardoning of her husband's murder and her subsequent efforts to put an end to the longstanding vendetta that occasioned his death. Given the uncertain times in which we live, the City of Brotherly Love is an appropriate choice for the twinning celebration this year. Both Shrines invite all to join in the historic festivities.

The festivities will begin on Friday, April 16, with a Welcoming Celebration from 6PM-8PM at the National Shrine of Saint Rita in Philadelphia, PA. This celebration will showcase the ongoing artwork in the Shrine of a Philadelphia native, Anthony Visco. On Saturday, April 17, Cardinal Justin Rigali will celebrate a 12 noon Mass in the Philadelphia Shrine, in which the American recipient of the Saint Rita International Award will be announced. The award is given annually to several women who typify Saint Rita's example of forgiveness, reconciliation and peacemaking. Evening events will honor the guests from Italy with warm Philadelphia hospitality. On Sunday, April 18, a special mass will be concelebrated in Italian and English by Archbishop Riccardo Fontana from Italy, Father Michael DiGregorio OSA, rector of the Philadelphia Shrine, and visiting clergy. An athlete from the area bearing a torch will lead the congregation from this celebration, returning the visit to Cascia, Italy for the feast of Saint Rita in May. Following the mass, the mural depicting the work of peace by Saint Rita will be dedicated in the lower church.

Early in her life, Margherita Lotti dedicated herself to Jesus and her desire was to enter the convent. However, her parents encouraged her to marry and she complied with their wishes. After eighteen years of married life her husband was murdered. Rita offered forgiveness to his assassin and prayed her two sons would do likewise. Though they were intent on revenge, their sudden deaths through illness impeded their plans. After several years and despite initial resistance to her admittance, Rita entered the convent of the Augustinian Nuns of Cascia. Here she received the stigmata in the form of a wound in her forehead caused by a thorn from the crown Christ wore during his Passion. Rita died on May 22, 1457 and is now revered as The Peacemaker and the Saint of the Impossible.



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