Shares subscribed with warrants in Jaakko Pöyry Group Oyj

Pursuant to Jaakko Pöyry Group Oyj's Bond Loan with Warrants issued in 1998, 50 700 new shares have been subscribed. Following these subscriptions, the company's registered share capital will increase by EUR 50 700 from EUR 13 807 901 to EUR 13 858 601 and the total number of authorized shares will increase to 13 858 601. The increase in share capital should be registered in the Trade Register on May 7, 2004. The subscribed shares entitle to dividends for the financial year 2004 and to other shareholders' rights once they have been registered in the Trade Register.

Jaakko Pöyry Group Oyj's Annual General Meeting on March 3, 2004 decided that an additional dividend of EUR 0.50 per share will be paid for the financial year 2003. The record date for the additional dividend is November 23, 2004. The new shares subscribed with warrants during 2004 do not entitle to additional dividend for the financial year 2003. Accordingly, they cannot be combined with the company's share JPG1V until after the said record date. The new shares subscribed with warrants will be registered with the Finnish Central Securities Depository as a separate book entry category.

The company intends to register the new shares for trading under their own trading code on the Main List of the Helsinki Exchanges. This will be announced separately. The new shares will be taken up for trading together with the old shares JPG1V after the record date for the additional dividend. This is expected to take place on November 24, 2004.

The subscription period for all warrants ends on April 30, 2005. A total of 660 315 shares have been subscribed with the warrants on April 28, 2004.


Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen
President and CEO

Teuvo Salminen
Deputy to President and CEO