Kesko's share capital increase based on the year 2000 stock option scheme

A total of 536,190 new B shares were subscribed for with Kesko Corporation's B and C warrants. The book counter value of a B share is EUR 2.00, its subscription price with B warrant is EUR 9.87 and with C warrant EUR 8.11. In consequence of these subscriptions, Kesko Corporation's registered share capital increases by EUR 1,072,380 to a total of EUR 183,501,980.
After this increase, the total number of Kesko Corporation's shares has risen to 91,750,990, of which 31,737,007 are A shares and 60,013,983 are B shares. Each A share entitles the holder to ten votes and each B share to one vote. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the year 2000 stock option scheme, the new B shares entitle to dividends for the first time for the financial year 2004 and the other shareholder rights they carry take effect today.
The B and C warrants are based on the decision made by Kesko Corporation's Annual General Meeting, held on 10 April 2000, to offer warrants to Kesko Corporation's top or middle management. In accordance with the year 2000 option scheme, 3,825,000 B warrants and 2,015,000 C warrants, a total of 5,840,000, were issued. One warrant entitles to the subscription of one Kesko Corporation B share until the end of subscription period on 31 March 2006. After this share capital increase, a total of 5,209,410 B shares remain to be subscribed for with B and C warrants, which corresponds to a share capital increase of EUR 10,418,820. The shares can be subscribed for at the offices of Nordea Bank Finland Plc.
The terms and conditions of the year 2000 stock option scheme were published as a stock exchange release on 10 April 2000.
For further information, please contact General Counsel Anne Leppälä-Nilsson, tel. +358 1053 22347.
Kesko Corporation
Corporate Communications
Atte Kaksonen

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