FLS Industries receives offer for shares in NKT Holding

As stated in the FLS Industries Interim Report (Announcement to the Stock Exchange No. 18 - 2002, 27 May 2002), FLS Industries wishes to sell its shares in NKT Holding by the end of June. Further to this announcement we wish to add that today, Monday 27 June 2002, Aktieselskabet POTAGUA has offered to buy a portion of the FLS Industries investment in NKT Holding representing 20.1 per cent of the latter's share capital. The total FLS Industries investment in NKT Holding is 26.3 per cent.

As stipulated in the terms and conditions of its bid, Aktieselskabet POTAGUA offers to acquire 5,025,000 NKT Holding shares from FLS Industries' total holding of 6,567,563 shares at DKK 89 per share - this being the average Copenhagen Stock Exchange closing price for the last three days (22 May to 24 May 2002). The offer is valid until Tuesday 11 June 2002 at 12.00 a.m.

FLS Industries has engaged Nordea Securities as financial adviser with whom it shall assess the offer received - and as also announced in the Interim Report for the first three months of 2002, FLS invites those who may be interested in acquiring the entire shareholding to express their interest as soon as possible.

FLS Industries A/S
Corporate Public Relation