Jaakko Pöyry Group awarded EUR 2 million waste-to-energy contract in France

Beture-Environnement S.A., which is part of the Jaakko Pöyry Group's Energy business group, has been awarded a contract by SIGIDURS as the owner's engineer for a waste-to-energy facility in France. The value of the assignment amounts to approx. EUR 2 million.

Beture-Environnement's services include engineering and project and construction management services. The services will be carried out by the end of October 2009.

The project is located at Sarcelles in Val d'Oise, France and will consist of reconstruction of an existing waste-to-energy facility. The facility will receive some 160 000 t/a of municipal solid waste and will produce around 4 MW of electricity for export into the local distribution network and around 29 MW of steam for district heating.

SIGIDURS is a syndicate formed by various parties for administering and incinerating urban waste in the Sarcelles region.

The Energy business group, operating under the brand name Electrowatt-Ekono, had net sales of EUR 98 million in 2003. Electrowatt-Ekono has offices in 23 countries and employs 1300 experts worldwide.


Teuvo Salminen
Deputy to President and CEO