First live demonstration of mobile phone TV over DVB-H in APAC by Nokia, MediaCorp Technologies, M1 and the Media Development Authority of Singapore

June 14, 2004 - Singapore - Achieving a first for the Asia-Pacific region, Nokia, MediaCorp Technologies, M1 and the Media Development Authority of Singapore today jointly showcased a live end-to-end mobile phone TV broadcast over a DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcast - Handheld) network at the Nokia Connection event in Singapore.
DVB-H is a standard specified by the DVB Organization specifically for the broadcast of TV-like content and data to handheld devices, such as mobile phones, which have unique requirements in terms of power consumption, screen-size and mobility.
MobileOne (M1), a leading mobile operator in Singapore and provider of the live WCDMA network for the Nokia Connection event has also expressed its support of DVB-H as the digital mobile phone TV broadcast standard.
"Mobile phone TV fulfills a human desire to be informed and connected to news, entertainment and information services especially as our lives become increasingly mobile," said Mr. Ari Beilinson, Director Business Development, Nokia Ventures Organization.  "This first live demonstration of mobile phone TV over DVB-H in Asia and ongoing trials in Europe indicate a growing global interest in investigating how mobile phone TV can deliver more multimedia and online services in addition to traditional TV-like broadcasts. "
The demonstration used the DVB-H standard because it is optimized for mobile, handheld receivers and supports the broadcast of a variety of digital content including television programs, interactive services and online content.  The DVB-H standard developed by the DVB Organization combines traditional television broadcast standards with elements specific to handheld devices: mobility, smaller screens and antennas, indoor coverage and reliance on battery power. 
"The MDA is excited to collaborate with key industry players like Nokia, MediaCorp Technologies and M1 in exploring the future of mobile phone TV. We support the development of mobile phone TV using DVB-H as it advances Singapore into the next stage of digital TV rollout. This move creates new business opportunities for content development and it fits into our Media 21 plan to develop the local media industry," said Mr. Seto Lok Yin, Director for Industry Development of the MDA.

Mr. Mock Pak Lum, CEO of MediaCorp Technologies, said, "As Singapore's leading broadcast transmission infrastructure provider, MediaCorp Technologies is pleased to deliver 'live' Channel NewsAsia content via the digital terrestrial TV infrastructure managed by us."
He added, "Channel NewsAsia is a prime example of the type of programming suited for mobile phone TV - news evolves constantly and mobile phone TV can connect users to the important visual element as news unfolds. DVB-H also offers opportunities to develop additional forms of content, such as interactivity, hence introducing a richer multimedia experience to the viewer."
"M1 supports DVB-H as the digital mobile phone TV broadcast standard.  A digital mobile phone TV adds a new level of sophistication to mobile service offerings and will also contribute to the growing use of other data and non-voice services, such as web browsing and messaging," said   M1's Chief Executive Officer, Neil Montefiore.
The mobile phone TV in today's demonstration was enabled by the Nokia Streamer, the first mobile DVB-H receiver designed specifically for pilot purposes.  It is attached to the Nokia 7700 much like a battery pack and receives the broadcast signal for viewing on the Nokia 7700 media device.  Nokia also supplied the end-to-end mobile TV network solution, which was used to broadcast the mobile TV service consisting of several channels to the terminals around the Nokia Connection premises.
About Nokia
Nokia is the world leader in mobile communications, driving the growth and sustainability of the broader mobility industry. Nokia is dedicated to enhancing people's lives and productivity by providing easy-to-use and secure products like mobile phones, and solutions for imaging, games, media, mobile network operators and businesses. Nokia is a broadly held company with listings on five major exchanges.
About Media Development Authority in Singapore
The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) aims to develop Singapore into a global media city. Its Media 21 strategy seeks to create a vibrant environment for the industry and public via five key thrusts: establish Singapore as a media exchange; export 'Made-by-Singapore' content; internationalize local media companies; nurture local media talents and develop digital media.
About MediaCorp Technologies
MediaCorp Technologies is the leading broadcast transmission infrastructure, operator and service provider for digital and analogue broadcasting services in Singapore.
MediaCorp Technologies' subsidiary, 1-Net Singapore is the broadband infrastructure provider of the nation's broadband network - Singapore ONE - and a regional total IT service provider.
MediaCorp Technologies is a Strategic Business Unit of MediaCorp, the largest and most established broadcaster in Singapore with a complete range of media businesses spanning TV, Radio, Entertainment Productions, Movie Productions, Newspapers, Magazines, Electronic Media and other broadcasting services.
About MobileOne Ltd.
M1, Singapore's most exciting and innovative mobile and IDD service provider, was launched in April 1997. Since then, it has made significant inroads into the local mobile communications market, gaining considerable brand presence and market share. M1 aims to be the leader in personal voice and data communications, focusing on value, quality and customer service. More information on M1 is available at
Media Enquiries:
Nokia Communications
Tel: +358 7180 34900
Riitta Mård
Nokia Communications
+358 505149718
Cherry Choo
Senior Manager (Marketing)
MediaCorp Technologies
DID: + 65 6350 3481
Fax: +  65 63575489
Chua Swee Kiat
MobileOne Ltd
Tel: +65 68951060
Yvonne Poh
Assistant Corporate and Marketing Communications Manager
Media Development Authority
DID: + 65 6837 9894
Fax: + 65 6336 4142