Invik: Notice of extraordinary general meeting

The shareholders in Invik & Co. AB (publ) are hereby invited to an Extraordinary General Meeting on Thursday 26 August 2004 at 9.30 CET at Brasserie by the Sea, Tullhus 2, Skeppsbron, Stockholm.
Shareholders who wish to participate at the Extraordinary General Meeting shall:

- have their names entered in the register of shareholders maintained by VPC AB (the Swedish Securities Register Center) on Monday 16 August 2004,
- notify the company of their intention to participate by no later than 3.00 p.m on Friday 20 August 2004. The notification shall be made on the company's website,, by telephone +46-433 747 56 or in writing to the company:
Invik & Co. AB
P.O. Box 2094
SE-103 13 Stockholm, Sweden

When giving notice of participation, the shareholder should state name, personal identification number (or company registration number), address, telephone number, shareholdings and any advisors attending. Shareholders who wish to be represented by a representative shall submit a written power of attorney giving authorisation to a specific person together with the notice of participation. Written notifications should be marked "EGM.
Shareholders whose shares are registered in the names of nominees must temporarily re-register the shares in their own name in order to be entitled to participate in the Meeting. Shareholders wishing to re-register must inform the nominee well in advance of 16 August 2004.

1. Election of Chairman of the Meeting.
2. Preparation and approval of the voting list.
3. Approval of the agenda.
4. Election of one or two persons to check and verify the minutes.
5. Determination of whether the Meeting has been duly convened.
6. Election of the members of the Board of Directors.
7. Determination of the fees of the members of the Board of Directors.
8. Resolution regarding amendment of the Articles of Association.
9. Approval of the nomination process for election of the Board of Directors.
10. Closure of the Meeting.

It is proposed that the Board of Directors shall consist of Pehr G Gyllenhammar, Edvard von Horn, Wilhelm Klingspor, Erik Mitteregger, Stig Nordin and Cristina Stenbeck. Moreover, it is proposed that Pehr G Gyllenhammar shall be appointed Chairman and that Cristina Stenbeck shall be appointed Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors at the constituent meeting.
The above proposal is supported by shareholders representing more than 50 percent of the votes in the company including inter alia the Stenbeck, Klingspor and von Horn family shareholding, SEB Fonder and SEB Trygg Liv.

The Board of Directors proposes that the Meeting resolves to amend article 1 of the Articles of Association, meaning that the company's name shall be changed from Invik & Co. AB to Investment AB Kinnevik.

It is proposed that the Meeting resolves to approve the following nomination process for election of the Board of Directors. The procedure for nomination of Board Directors for the AGM in 2005 will be led by Cristina Stenbeck as Chairman of the Nomination Group. The Nomination Group will be formalised in the Fall of 2004 in consultation with at least three major shareholders. The participants of the group will be disclosed in the interim report for the third quarter 2004.
The above proposal is supported by shareholders representing more than 50 percent of the votes in the company including inter alia the Stenbeck, Klingspor and von Horn family shareholding.

Stockholm in July 2004

For further information, please visit or contact:
Vigo Carlund, President & CEO +46 (0) 8 562 000 00
Henrik Persson, Investor Relations +46 (0) 8 562 000 87

Invik & Co. AB is an investment company. The Company's objective is to increase shareholder value, primarily through net asset value growth. The Group consists of the Parent Company Invik & Co. AB and a number of operating subsidiaries. The Parent Company manages a portfolio of long-term investments in a select number of listed companies such as Tele2 AB, Modern Times Group MTG AB, Millicom International Cellular S.A., Metro International S.A., Transcom WorldWide S.A. Invik plays an active role on the Boards of its subsidiaries and associated companies.

The Group's subsidiaries are principally active in cartonboard and paper production through Korsnäs AB, banking, insurance, securities broking and trading, and asset management through Modern Finance Group and farming through MSLA.

Invik's A' and B' shares are traded on the Stockholmsbörsen O-list'.


Press release (PDF)