Telenor Press Service: (+47) 800 80 900

To editorial offices:
In order to make it easier for journalists to get in touch with the proper persons within Telenor, one single telephone number and a special duty scheme have been established. The number will be serviced at all hours and will be toll free within Norway (special rates apply from mobile phones).
"Telenor has always had a policy of openness and easy access. To further improve contacts with the press, Telenor has therefore established a single answering service," says Dag Melgaard, Chief Press Spokesman of Telenor ASA. "This answering service will be available at all hours and serviced by the switchboard or by press contacts who know how to handle such enquiries. We promise short response time and hope this will simplify life for everybody," says Melgaard. "However, enquiries directly to personal communications contacts will still be welcome", he adds.
"In case of rush and at nights and weekends the answering service might ask journalist to leave a message. Please do so, and do not forget to leave your name and telephone number clearly for us to return your call properly," says Melgaard.
Further information:
Chief Press Spokesman of Telenor ASA, Dag Melgaard tel: (+47) 901 92 000