Net Insight Launches DVB-T Network Solution with Unique Two-way Time and Frequency Transfer

STOCKHOLM - October 5, 2004.
Net Insight (SX: NET I B), a leading provider of video, voice and data networking equipment, is launching a solution for DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcast - Terrestrial) networks that incorporates unique two-way time and frequency transfer functions in its Next Generation SDH/SONET Nimbra platform. These functions provide two-way time and frequency transfer to all nodes in the network with accuracy better than one microsecond, which is within the requirements for DVB-T single frequency networks (SFN).
The multicast ASI signals have less than 50 nanoseconds of PCR jitter end-to-end, which synchronizes entire DVB-T multi frequency networks (MFN) and single frequency networks (SFN) directly from the Nimbra platform's network clock.
The new functions can be used to eliminate the need for distributed GPS clocks or as a parallel system for enhanced redundancy and resiliency. This significantly reduces the investment and operational costs for DVB-T networks.
The multi-service Nimbra platform incorporates unicast and multicast of ASI, SDI, Ethernet, SDH/PDH streams with SDH/SONET, CWDM, DWDM and dark fiber trunk interfaces. Where other solutions are built on several platforms stacked on top of each other, Net Insight offers a single integrated system that materially reduces CAPEX and OPEX. The cost efficiency is further enhanced by the Nimbra platform's high bandwidth utilization, which can transport up to 147 Mbps of payload over an STM-1 connection, corresponding to less than two percent overhead.
"We have received very positive feedback on our DVB-T solution from the market," said Tomas Duffy, CEO of Net Insight. "The time and frequency transport functions will further strengthen our position as the technology leader for broadcast and media networks."
For further information, please contact
Tomas Duffy, CEO Net Insight AB
Tel. +46 8 685 04 00, e-mail: