Financial statement for the first nine months of 2004

  • Sales increased by 15% measured in local currencies in the first nine months of 2004. Measured in Danish kroner sales increased by 11%. Sales in the third quarter were positively impacted by increases in US wholesaler inventories.
  • Sales of insulin analogues increased by 87% measured in local currencies.
  • NovoSeven® sales increased by 15% measured in local currencies.
  • Operating profit increased by 10% to DKK 5,203 million, and net profit increased by 4% to DKK 3,615 million. Earnings per share (diluted) increased by 5% to DKK 10.66.
  • Operating profit for the full year 2004 is still expected to grow by slightly more than 5% despite a continued challenging currency environment.
  • Following regulatory consultations in Europe, Novo Nordisk expects to file an application for marketing approval in Europe for the use of NovoSeven® in connection with intracerebral haemorrhages (ICH) by mid-2005.
  • Lars Rebien Sørensen, president & CEO, said: "The strong underlying performance continued in the third quarter, primarily driven by increased sales of insulin analogues and NovoSeven®. We are furthermore very encouraged by the possibility of filing in Europe already next year for the use of NovoSeven® in ICH, a condition for which there today is no effective therapy."


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