Jaakko Pöyry Group signed information technology contracts in China and Romania

Soil and Water Ltd, which is a part of the Jaakko Pöyry Group's Infrastructure & Environment business group, has signed two important contracts in the field of information technology.

In China Soil and Water Ltd has signed a contract with Guiyang City on the implementation of the Guiyang Geographical Information System, Phase I. The total value of Soil and Water Ltd's supplies and services is EUR 3 million, which will be financed by a Finnish Concessional Credit. The project period is 2005-2006 and according to the contract, Soil and Water shall create a GIS-based management and public information system for the city including tools for emergency management, flood and air quality forecasting, and an interactive information system for the citizens.

Guiyang is the capital of the Guizhou province in southwestern China with a population of around 37 million. Guiyang, with a population of some 3.5 million, is one of the cities chosen as pilot cities for IT development by the Central Government.

In Romania, a consortium lead by Soil and Water Ltd has been awarded a contract for establishment of an information system and a database for water management according to the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive. The value of the contract is EUR 0.8 million and it is financed by the European Union. The main objective is to develop the capacity of the existing national water management database system in order to improve integrated water management in line with the EU directive, to provide public access to information and relevant reports, and to supply data for reports required within the EU legislation. The project will first be implemented as a pilot application in Pitesti. It will enhance the development of efficient methodologies and good practices which will be extended to the national level, and it will also provide information related to the requirements for equipment at national level.

The Jaakko Pöyry Group's Infrastructure & Environment business group uses the brand name Jaakko Pöyry Infra. Its net sales for 2003 were EUR 139 million. The business group has offices in 15 countries and employs 1600 experts worldwide.


Teuvo Salminen
Deputy to President and CEO