K-citymarkets and K-supermarkets reduce prices again

The K-citymarket chain reduces the prices of 800 grocery items and 200 home and speciality goods items. All of the products represent well-known brands and the reductions vary between nearly one and 40 percent. The price reductions apply to all major food product groups but mainly to light products. Customers can buy, for example, chicken fillets, light cheeses, yogurts and mineral water at prices lower than before. Prices of daily non-food items, such as washing agents, personal hygiene products and household tissues are also reduced. In addition, certain clothing items, lamps and small household appliances are also sold at lowered prices.
Enhanced chain operations and closer cooperation with manufacturers have made price reductions possible. According to advance information, the sales increase of the K-citymarket chain clearly exceeded market growth rate in 2004.
The K-citymarket chain currently comprises 51 stores. The stores' selections include about 100,000 items, about 20,000 of which are groceries. There are over 1,300 Kesko Food's own Pirkka products. The selection also includes about 300 very low-priced Euro Shopper products.
The K-supermarket chain reduces the prices of 400 food and 100 non-food items
In response to price competition, the K-supermarket chain reduces the prices of about 400 food and about 100 non-food items. Depending on the product, reductions range between about one and over 30 percent. The price-reduced products mainly represent manufacturers' brands, such as ready-to-eat foods, processed meat and fish products, cheeses, yogurts, juices, porridge flakes and ice cream. Also washing agents, detergents and soft tissues are available tomorrow at the K-supermarkets at lower prices than before.
The extensive price reduction implemented in the K-supermarkets in September last year was welcomed by customers. More customers and bigger sales are also now expected. Price reductions have been made possible by enhanced chain operations and closer cooperation with manufacturers.
Depending on the K-supermarket, its selection includes 9,000 products on average, over 80 percent of which are food products. Pirkka products account for nearly nine percent and Euro Shopper products for about two percent of the sales. The K-supermarket chain with its 153 stores is the biggest food retail chain in the K-Alliance and the network will continue to expand.
Further information:
K-citymarket chain, Vice President Kari Kivikoski, tel. +358 1053 22207
K-supermarket chain, Vice President Ari Virnes, tel. +358 1053 22090