Jan Nijssen to resign as Global Head Pensions ING Group and CEO ING Central Europe Insurance; Tom Kliphuis named successor

Jan Nijssen (52), Global Head Pensions ING Group and CEO ING Central Europe Insurance, has decided to leave ING as of 1 January 2006. Jan Nijssen will be succeeded by
Tom Kliphuis (41), currently CEO of ING Chile.
Jan Nijssen will leave the company, after an impressive career of more than 27 years, from his current positions as Global Head Pensions since mid-2003 and CEO of Central Europe Insurance since 2000. He started his ING career at Nationale-Nederlanden in 1978, where he became General Manager Nationale-Nederlanden Life, responsible for Group Pensions, in 1992. Jan Nijssen was a member of the Executive Committee ING Nederland from 1997 to 2000 and subsequently strengthened the Executive Committee Europe as CEO Central Europe.
Tom Kliphuis joined ING in 1988. Prior to moving to Chile, he was general manager of ING Afore, part of ING's insurance operations in Mexico, and he held various senior-management positions with other ING entities in Europe and South America. A successor as CEO of ING Chile will be named as soon as possible.
"On behalf of my colleagues of the Executive Board I would like to thank Jan Nijssen for his committed and outstanding contribution to ING, most recently to developing ING's global pension business and insurance activities in Central Europe, two of ING's core activities," said Michel Tilmant, Chairman of the Executive Board of ING Group. "Jan Nijssen's knowledge and experience have contributed strongly to put ING on the map as a leading global provider of retirement services and a prominent insurance player in Central Europe. Given the continuously strong value creation and profit growth of these activities, resulting into ING's number one position in Pensions/Life Insurance in Central Europe and the recognition of ING as a leading global pension provider, Jan Nijssen feels the time has come for a change. While we sincerely regret but respect Jan's decision to leave, we are convinced that Tom Kliphuis will be an asset in strengthening ING's worldwide position in pensions and ING's insurance markets in Central Europe."
Press enquiries: ING Group
Peter Jong, +31 20 541 5457, peter.jong@ing.com


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