An Academic Core of Christian Awakening -- Renowned Scholar Offers Unbiased Examination of Religion

CHAPEL HILL, N.C., September 27, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- At one time, theology was considered "the queen of learning and sciences," but as the centuries passed, it took a back seat to constantly expanding scientific thought. In the hopes of reclaiming some of it with academic credibility, Paul Kuk Won Chang offers Metatheology: An Academic Core of Christian Awakening, Renewal, Revival, Evangelism and Mission: A Comparative Approach of Synthetic Theology to the Ancient Near East, the Old Testament and the Language of the New Testament (now available through AuthorHouse).

Chang addresses Metatheology, a phrase he coined that means God together "with my human self," with academic honesty and profound insight into religious reality. As an Asian devoid of Western bias, he is able to freely approach Christianity, the Bible, the ancient Near East, religion, theology and the Church without restraint. After studying all of the aforementioned subjects in their original languages, he comes to realizations that confirm, restore and enliven traditional values of Christianity.

"Archaeology disclosed the huge magnitude of the cultures and civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Syro-Palestine as well as a large quantity of inscriptions," Chang says. "However, the magnitude proves to be a conglomeration of temple cultures deviced to pacify the anger of the 'Unknown.'"

This "Unknown" is represented by "idolatry and polytheism" and, according to Chang, confronts and threatens the human self with arbitrary destinies and fates "leading to cruel, merciless misfortunes and death." Chang shows this "complex of destiny and fate" has the world obsessed and has given rise to the temple culture that can be seen across the globe. The book shows how the story of Jesus and his sacrifice tore "the curtain of the temple" and is now present in the human soul.

Metatheology is a revolutionary, insightful fresh work that opens new vistas to orient readers with Christianity.

Born in South Korea, Chang studied at Seoul National University before broadening his horizons at Duke University and the University of Chicago. His work at Heidelberg and Muenster universities in Germany opened his eyes to Islam and Arabic studies as well as French literature. His colorful career has included teaching, preaching and researching in South Korea and the United States. He is currently the first director of the Institute for Research on Metatheology and knows 24 languages. For more information, visit his Web site at

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