Consumer Mobile TV Trial Goes Live in France

Paris, France - CANAL + Group, SFR, Nokia and towerCast today announced the launch of a Mobile TV trial in France using the DVB-H standard. The study involves 500 consumers in total with Nokia 7710 smartphones being provided to 250 CANAL + Group subscribers and 250 SFR subscribers.
A rich and varied range of services will be available on 13 TV channels: CANAL +, i>TELE, Planète, Cinécinéma Premier, Sport+, L'Equipe TV, Equidia, Jimmy*, Canal J, France 2, France 3, MCM TV, NRJ12; 4 radio stations*: Europe1, FIP, NRJ, Skyrock; 1 short programmes channel called SFR TV*, interactive services, a programme guide and a Pay Per View service (at a later date)*.
The aim of the trial is to assess the reception quality of the proposed services, the diversity of the service package (channels, radio stations, interactive services), usage by the subscribers testing Mobile TV, consumer expectations over Mobile TV services and to identify and test the relevant business models.
Each partner will have a strong role to play within the trial:
- CANAL + is the organizer and main aggregator of the audio-visual content offering and the Broadcasting platform operator
- SFR is the telecom network operator, providing the eCommerce platform and return channel services
- Nokia is supplying the broadcasting equipment and DVB-H terminals
- towerCast is the supplier and operator of the broadcasting infrastructure for the entire test zone with its expertise in radio engineering and coverage measurement
The technology used is called DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcasting - Handheld), an audiovisual broadcasting standard derived from TNT. It offers audiovisual and multimedia content to a large number of users in optimal technical and economic conditions.
On behalf of the trial partners, the CANAL+ Group applied to the CSA for authorisation to use a test frequency to trial mobile TV via DVB-H starting on 15 September 2005. The CSA authorised this experiment on 13 September 2005, with distribution of terminals to start at the beginning of October.
The services proposed are encoded in the CANAL+ Group's digital broadcasting centre, and sent to 3 towerCast transmitters (Porte de Bagnolet, Porte de Sèvres and Porte Maillot) for broadcasting on channel 29 (the technical ability of this channel to meet the needs of the trial were assessed in July and August 2005).
The range of subscriber types chosen to make up the user panel is as broad as possible. The testers are hired from the Paris area by the CANAL+ Group from among its CANAL+ or CANALSAT customers and by SFR from its customer base.
The trial also aims to give a clearer picture of usage among the three main types of mobile TV consumption:
- Outdoors, i.e. in the street, with short consumption periods
- On the move, in the car, on public transport, etc., with varying consumption periods from very short to far longer
- Indoors, in a waiting room, at home, with longer consumption periods.
(*) Experimental services requiring subsequent approval by the CSA
CANAL+ GROUP is France's number one pay TV operator with 8 million subscribers. CANAL+ GROUP produces the country's only premium channel package, CANAL+ LE BOUQUET, as well as leading theme channels. Through CANALSAT, it is market a leader on all fast-growing distribution platforms - satellite, TV over DSL and DTT - and a pioneer in new services over new broadcasting formats: TV over mobile phones, hand-held TVs, video-on-demand, high-definition TV. Group CANAL+, which is 100%-owned by Vivendi Universal, is also a key player in feature film production and distribution.
About SFR
SFR is the second-ranking mobile phone operator in France with 35,8% of market share and 16,2 million customers on 30th June 2005. It recorded turnover of 7.2 billion euros in 2004.
Its GSM/GPRS network now covers over 98% of the French population and 87% of French territory. As the first mobile operator to launch 3G in France in November 2004, SFR covers now 50% of the French population in 3G and will cover 60% at end 2005.
About towerCast
The first private French " tower company ", towerCast owns and manages hundreds of sites for radio broadcasting (FM,DAB), digital TV, UMTS, wireless local loop and professional radio. Due to its technical expertise and proven record for more then 20 years, towerCast is today offering its experience in radio technology to audiovisual companies and telecommunication operators (fixed and mobile telephony, wireless local loop) that want to outsource the conception,deployment and hosting of their networks.
About Nokia
Nokia is a world leader in mobile communications, driving the growth and sustainability of the broader mobility industry. Nokia connects people to each other and the information that matters to them with easy-to-use and innovative products like mobile phones, devices and solutions for imaging, games, media and businesses. Nokia provides equipment, solutions and services for network operators and corporations.
Media Enquiries:
CANAL + Group
Antoine Banet-Rivet
Tel. +33 1 71 35 00 26
Benoît Liva
Tel. +33 1 71 35 01 66
Caroline Mir
Tel. +33 1 71 07 64 82
Benoît Teyssandier
Tel. +33 1 40 71 49 19
Nokia, Multimedia
Tel. +358 7180 45725