Releases a Special Report on Patch International Inc.

MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, Sept. 29, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Media, Inc. ( announces its latest article by Glenn Wilkins, an News Reporter, this one discussing Patch International Inc. (OTCBB:PTII), its industry and future prospects.

Wilkins notes the oil and gas industry -- from the way it behaved in the aftermath of the year's twin disasters named Rita and Katrina -- has had obstacles to overcome both on the PR and production side. World events and shortages in refining have caused prices to take an unorthodox rise. Though this might be unfortunate to the general public, investors in these types of companies have been able to see some benefit in these particular markets.

Wilkins also notes that one company that may have less trouble filling the ranks of its fan club is Vancouver-based Patch International, a junior oil and gas producer, currently drawing revenue from 19 wells in Saskatchewan. Company literature claims these wells provide both short-term and long-term cash flow. The firm is currently exploring opportunities beyond its Canadian backyard to include Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Ukraine. Soaring global demand for petroleum, in response to global trouble (both natural and man-made) has positioned Patch to capitalize on global energy projects -- particularly in the areas just mentioned, where the petroleum discoveries can provide maximum return on investment.

For the rest of the Special Report, click the link below:

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Although the majority of reports are independent, it has received compensation for carrying the report on Patch International Inc. (OTCBB:PTII), the compensation is four thousand five hundred dollars in May 2005 and nineteen thousand two hundred dollars in June 2005 from Patch International Inc. this creates an inherent conflict of interest and readers are encouraged to view the full disclaimer at


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