Smaller borrowing requirement than expected in September

The primary borrowing requirement (all central government payments excluding interest payments) was SEK 3.2 billion, which is SEK 1.5 billion less than estimated. This is explained by larger incomes from customs duty and smaller expenditures from some state agencies. Tax payments developed as forecasted.
Interest payments on government debt were SEK 6.2 billion. This is SEK 2.3 billion less than estimated. The difference depends on smaller capital losses in switch auctions between bonds than estimated. This will partly be compensated with higher capital losses and therefore higher interest payments in October.
The borrowing requirement for the twelve-month period up to the end of September was SEK 1.3 billion. Government debt was SEK 1,258 billion at the end of September.
A revised forecast for the borrowing requirement for 2005 and 2006 will be published on October 26, 2005, at 9.30 am. The outcome of the central government borrowing requirement for October will be published on November 7, 2005, 9.30 am.
For additional information:

Tord Arvidsson, tel. +46 8 613 46 47


Table with figures on the outcome