US National Hurricane Center and Vaisala Working Together in Hurricane Research and Forecasting

According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), hurricanes destroyed approximately $73 billion in property, and were responsible for more than 13,000 deaths in the 20th century. Furthermore, current hurricane climatology and other data show that damaging major hurricanes are predicted to continue to occur over the next two decades.
In an effort to protect lives and property, scientists have been trying to find methods for better hurricane forecasting. Vaisala Thunderstorm experts in the US, specialized in lightning detection, have been actively involved in this research. For several years now, Vaisala has been studying lightning that occur in the eyewall of a hurricane, and their connection to hurricane intensity. The study combines lightning data gathered with Vaisala's US-wide lightning detection network with the National Hurricane Center's hurricane data.
The research shows that lightning outbreaks in the eyewalls of hurricanes often occur during rapid changes in hurricane intensity. As the primary eyewall contracts and the storm rapidly intensifies, eyewall flash rates increase dramatically. Vaisala's US-wide lightning detection network enables lightning detection and analysis in real-time, and can therefore be used in predicting hurricane intensity.
Vaisala's lightning data program has been further developed to correlate with National Hurricane Center's hurricane data. Forecasters now benefit from combined hurricane and lightning data, which has also been used in connection with hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Vaisala and NOAA, under which the National Hurricane Center operates, have been working in partnership for several years. For example, Vaisala's dropsondes are frequently used in hurricane research and forecasting.
The Vaisala Group is a successful international technology company that develops and manufactures electronic measurement systems and equipment for meteorology, environmental sciences, traffic safety and industry. Vaisala employs over 1,000 professionals and achieved net sales of EUR 180.6 million in 2004. Vaisala serves customers throughout the world. In 2004, exports outside Finland accounted for 97% of net sales. Vaisala's A-series shares are quoted on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.