SDRL - SeaDrill Limited launches new web-site

We have launched a new web-site today on Over the last few months the Company has seen an ever increasing flood of requests for information on announcement dates, reports and general information about our company etc. We hope with this new design that more people will be able to help themselves and thereby leave the Company's precious resources - its human software - to do what they should, that is help the Company outperform the market.
We have made the following information available on the front page of the web-site:
  • Latest press release
  • Latest report
  • Latest presentation
  • Share value: updated share price on Oslo Stock Exchange. It is also possible to click on the link called details to get historical share price, you can compare the share with its peers in the tanker market.  
  • Financial calendar: this shows when we will issue the quarterly reports. This might be subject to changes and the web-site will be updated if changes occur.
We wish you all safe navigation.
December 15, 2005
SeaDrill Limited
Cathrine Fosse
Bengt Neteland