Jaakko Pöyry Group awarded substation assignment in Austria

Verbundplan GmbH, Austria, which is part of the Jaakko Pöyry Group's Energy business group, has been awarded high voltage substation reconstruction contracts by Verbund Austrian Power Grid and Verbund Austrian Hydro Power, Austria. The value of Verbundplan's share of the projects is over EUR 4.0 million. Engineering and installation extend to 2008.

The assignment relates to the reconstruction of 220/380 kV substation Südost and 220 kV substation Wallsee. Verbundplan's contracts comprise the dismantling and reconstruction step by step of high voltage and control equipment and cabling within the switchgears, including detail design and commissioning. Detailed time schedules have to be followed in order to meet the network operator requirements.

Verbundplan is Austria's leading engineering and consulting company in the energy, infrastructure and environmental sector, owned by Jaakko Pöyry Group Oyj and the Austrian Verbund AG.

The Energy business group, operating under the brand name Electrowatt-Ekono, had net sales of EUR 160 million in 2005. Electrowatt-Ekono has offices in 23 countries and employs 1500 experts worldwide.


Satu Perälampi
Investor Relations Manager