Telenor: Norwegian Olympic Record

OSLO, Norway, Feb. 24, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Many people have discovered that the Turin Olympics are available on their mobile phones. Telenor has registered that Mobile TV has been accessed more than 200,000 times since the start of the Olympics and up until this Friday."This figure is way beyond our expectations. This is the first real indication of the huge potential of TV on mobile handsets, and will act as motivation for us to strengthen our commitment to Mobile TV. During these Olympics we have really had the chance to test how the service works, and we are now left with only positive experiences," said Director of Division Consumer, Berit Kjoell.

Telenor has registered that the peak hours on Mobile TV coincide with the highlights from the Olympics, and that the interest has dropped off somewhat in recent days. NRK and Telenor registered the highest traffic volumes on Tuesday 14 February.

"Many people want information about certain events when they actually take place, regardless of whether they are close to a TV set or not. The Olympics is a prime example of such an event. When you are capable of receiving TV services on your mobile, it is easy to watch the Olympic highlights, even when you are far from a TV set," said Berit Kjoell, who also believes that we could now witness a significant boost in the adoption of 3G services.

Telenor will continue to offer the Olympics on Mobile TV, and the service will be free-of-charge for the duration of the games.

How to watch the Olympics on your mobile: Simply access Telenor's WAP portal Entry, or NRK's WAP portal. Or you can send an SMS, containing the codeword OL, to 2244. You will then receive a text message containing a direct link to the WAP site that offers the Olympics service.

Only customers with subscription plans from Telenor may watch NRK's Olympics broadcasts free of charge on Mobile TV. UMTS/EDGE handsets are also required. An overview of all the available Olympic events can be accessed on NRK's Olympics portal. You can choose between live broadcasts on NRK1 and NRK 2, and highlights, interviews, analyses and feature programmes are also available.

The Olympics can also be watched over the Internet. Telenor has entered into an agreement with NRK for distribution of the Olympics on Telenor broadband.


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