Invitation to Yara's Capital Markets Day 2006

Yara has the great pleasure of inviting you to Yara International ASA's Capital Markets Day 2006.
Tuesday 21 November 2006 at Felix Conference Center, Aker Brygge, Oslo.
The day will begin at 08:30 CET with presentations by President and CEO Thorleif Enger, CFO Sven Ombudstvedt and business segment SVPs, Ed Cavazuti, Tor Holba and Terje Bakken. The presentations will be held in English.
Detailed agenda will follow later.
Furthermore, we have the pleasure of inviting you to a dinner the evening before,
20 November at 19.00 CET at Thon Hotel Bristol, Oslo.
If you wish to participate at the Yara Capital Markets Day in Oslo, please confirm by e-mail to before 20 October 2006.
If you intend to participate in the dinner at the Thon Hotel Bristol, please indicate in your e-mail.
Yours faithfully
for Yara International ASA
Torgeir Kvidal
Senior Vice President Investor Relations