Competitive Companies, Inc. Expanding With Wireless Antennas

ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky., Sept. 27, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Competitive Companies, Inc. (CCI), (Other OTC:CCOP) is pleased to announce its contract to lease 20,000 Intellant antennas from Waylinks, Inc. The Waylinks patented antenna will allow CCI to wirelessly expand its service offerings to areas surrounding CCI's existing property complexes. The Intellant has the capacity to deliver VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone service, High Definition television service and Internet service at speeds of 100Mhtz per second. The antenna, in its current format, simultaneously broadcasts on four frequencies.

With the FCC eliminating the sharing requirements on wireline broadband services, thousands of local Internet Service Providers (ISP's) are looking to expand their service offerings; CCI may now join forces with them to offer their services at a much reduced rate. Prior to this agreement, CCI's revenue opportunities were limited to the actual apartment complexes where they provide service. Now, by using CCI's equipment at the complex as a POP (Point of Presence), services can be expanded to the surrounding areas generating new revenue opportunities for the Company and its shareholders.

CCI is currently in discussions with additional apartment complex owners to supply its services to their customers where CCI currently does not have a market foot hold.

CCI's Board of Directors believes that the implementation of the Intellant antenna will greatly expand its revenue and profitability within the next year.

The Intellant is scheduled to be unveiled within the next 90 days and ready for full deployment in early 2007. The Company is already looking at increasing its initial order of antennas from Waylinks. The expansion for the company is not limited to its existing marketing areas.

Competitive Companies is a Nevada corporation providing telephone, Cable TV and high-speed internet service to over 3,000 people living in apartment complexes in California, Alabama and Mississippi. The Company is headquartered in Riverside, California.

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