Statkraft AS - dividend payment for 2006

In the Norwegian state budget for 2007, the Norwegian Government proposes that Statkraft SF pay a dividend to the Norwegian state of 98 per cent of the Group's net profit after tax and minority interests.
The Norwegian Government's proposed state budget for 2007, which was presented today, states the following in respect of Statkraft's dividend payment to the Norwegian state for the accounting year 2006:
"It is proposed that Statkraft SF pay a dividend of 98 per cent of the Group's net profit after tax and minority interests, i.e. NOK 5 880 million based on available profit estimates."
The profit prognosis used is in line with the company's expectations. Statkraft SF is the parent company of Statkraft AS and the proposed dividend will determine the allocation of profit made by Statkraft AS.
Eli Skrøvset, Executive Vice President/CFO, tel.: +47 2406 7914  / +47 909 86 495
Yngve Frøshaug, VP Investor Relations, tel.: +47 2406 7876 / +47 900 23 021