Executive Director Per Vinge Frederiksen to resign

Per Vinge Frederiksen has as member of the Executive Board been responsible for Egg & Fruit Packaging Europe since year 2000. The Board wishes Per Vinge Frederiksen good luck and all the best in future.
Peter Arndrup Poulsen recently took up the position as President & CEO of Hartmann, and as a natural consequence the Group is currently considering its future organisational structure.
The overall management of the Hartmann Group is handled by the Executive Board - consisting of President & CEO Peter Arndrup Poulsen and CFO Michael Lyng - as well as by the other members of the Group Executive Committee, viz. Ash Sahi, President of Hartmann in North America, and CTO Kim Kronborg Christiansen. 
Further information is available from Board Chairman Bjarne Eriksen.
Brødrene Hartmann A/S
Bjarne Eriksen
Chairman of the Board


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