Heineken N.V. proposes new dividend policy

Amsterdam, 6 November 2006 - Heineken N.V. today announced that it intends to renew its dividend policy by reinforcing the relationship between dividend payments and the annual development of net profit before exceptional items and amortisation of brands (net profit beia). The company aims for a growing dividend per share by increasing the dividend pay-out from the existing 20-25% of net profit beia to between 30% and 35%.
The proposed new policy is subject to approval by shareholders at the Heineken N.V. annual general meeting in April 2007. If approved, Heineken's new dividend policy will be applicable to the dividend payable for the 2006 financial year.
These proposals support Heineken N.V.s intention to preserve its independence, to maintain a healthy financial structure and to retain sufficient earnings in order to grow the business both organically and through acquisition.
Under the existing dividend policy, every three years Heineken N.V. assesses the scope for increasing the dividend via a share-split, thereby increasing the number of shares, whilst maintaining the annual dividend per share at the same level. This resulted in an intended dividend pay-out ratio of 20% - 25%.
Under the proposed new policy, Heineken will only consider share-splits if and when the Heineken share price has reached a level where the liquidity of its stock becomes adversely affected.
Heineken will continue to pay the annual dividend in the form of an interim dividend and a final dividend. The interim dividend will be fixed at 40% of the total dividend of the previous year. Annual dividend proposals will remain subject to shareholder approval.
Editorial information:
Heineken N.V. is the most international brewer in the world. The Heineken brand is sold in almost every country in the world and the company owns over 115 breweries in more than 65 countries. With group beer volume of 119 million hectolitres Heineken ranks fourth in the world beer market by volume. Heineken strives for an excellent sustainable financial performance through marketing a portfolio of strong local and international brands with the emphasis on the Heineken brand, through a carefully selected combination of broad and segment leadership positions and through a continuous focus on cost control. In 2005, revenues amounted to €11 billion and net profit before exceptional items and amortisation of brands amounted to €840 million. Heineken employs 64,000 people. Heineken N.V. and Heineken Holding N.V. shares are listed on the Amsterdam stock exchange. Prices for the ordinary shares may be accessed on Bloomberg under the symbols HEIN NA and HEIO NA and on the Reuter Equities 2000 Service under HEIN.AS and HEHN.AS. Additional information is available on Heineken's home page: http//www.heinekeninternational.com.
Press enquiries
Véronique Schyns
Tel: +31 (0)20 52 39 355
Investor and analyst enquiries
Jan van de Merbel
Tel: +31 (0)20 52 39 590


Heineken N.V. press release 06112006 - New dividend policy