Web Wise Kids Participates in Booz Allen Hamilton-Redskins Yards for Youth

Campaign Raises Funds to Protect Youth From Online Dangers as the Redskins Gain Offensive Yards

SANTA ANA, Calif., Nov. 7, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Web Wise Kids is participating in the 2006-2007 Booz Allen Hamilton-Redskins Yards for Youth program. Yards for Youth (yardsforyouth.org) is designed to raise funds for nonprofit organizations benefiting the local community.

Web Wise Kids (WWK) uses computer games to communicate Internet safety with high tech simulations based on real-life criminal cases. This prepares children to safely and confidently explore the cyber world capturing their attention in a way that "another lecture from an adult" can never do. Our partner, AdZone Research, Inc., developed the Online Predator Profiling System (OPPS) and the FAST Report, which enables law enforcement to profile predators and help return missing children.

Our goal is to equip 250 schools and 49 law enforcement agencies in Redskins territory with our Community Shield approach to keeping children safe online. Each school would be offered the award-winning CD-ROM computer game, "MISSING," and training. Law enforcement would be equipped with both OPPS and FAST Report licenses to enable them to identify predators and better protect the children of our communities.

Companies and individuals are encouraged to pledge a specific amount of money for each offensive yard gained during the 2006-2007 Washington Redskins season or make a one-time set contribution. To make a pledge or one-time donation to Web Wise Kids, log onto www.yardsforyouth.org/WebWiseKids. For each offensive yard gained, youth in Redskins territory benefits as a result of your contribution. For example, if a pledge of .01 cent per yard is made and the Redskins gain 6,000 offensive yards (combination of passing and rushing yards), the total pledge at the end of the season for WWK would be $60.

Yards for Youth builds upon the strong commitment to social philanthropy in the local community that global consulting firm, Booz Allen Hamilton and the Redskins have cultivated over the years.

Web Wise Kids is a California nonprofit organization founded with the mission of "empowering today's youth to make wise choices online." Since 2002, the company has reached 2 million youth specializing in providing easy to use, school-approved Internet safety education to youth ages 11 to 16 through computer games.

AdZone Research Inc. is an emerging growth company providing proprietary software that monitors the Internet for virtually all types of activity. The Online Predator Profiling System (OPPS) is a cost efficient comprehensive collection of chat room conversations designed to provide law enforcement the ability to profile online predators and their victims.

For release to the public:

For more information, visit yardsforyouth.org or call the Washington Redskins at 703-726-7111.


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