Kesko's corporate responsibility report again the world's best in the trading sector

In global comparison, Kesko's corporate responsibility report for 2005 was named the best in the trading sector for the third time. Kesko ranked 21st among all companies. The second best trading sector reporter was Gap, whose total rank was 31. No other Finnish company was included among the Top 100 reporters.
The comparison (Global Reporters Survey), has been conducted every two years since 1992 for the UN Environmental Programme UNEP. The UK consulting agency SustainAbility Ltd has held the main responsibility for surveying the reports. Standard & Poor's, a provider of credit ratings and investment consulting, now participated for the second time. In 2005, the best 100 reports were selected for closer assessment after the first round that included about 1,900 reports.
The best three reporters came from the Great Britain. The title of the best reporter in the world in sustainable development went to British Telecom. Co-op Financial Services, the previous winner, now ranked second and British Petroleum third. Among the Top 50, half were first-timers.
Kesko was considered to have improved its reporting further - its score was 58 points (the maximum is 100) compared with 54 in 2004. Kesko's ranking dropped slightly: in 2004, it ranked 14 and in 2002, 31. The overall quality of the reports was now higher, with 54 points qualifying for the best 30 and 64 points for the best ten placings, whereas in 2004, the points were 47 and 60 respectively.
According to the surveyors, the leading companies' work for sustainable development is shifting from the risk management stage towards strategic innovations and market creation. Sustainable development is taken into consideration in operating and decision-making processes, while companies may combine their own goals with global development initiatives. The substance of the reports also reflects investors' increasing interest in corporate responsibility.
Kesko has succeeded not only in reporting but has also achieved impressive results in the assessments of neutral surveyors. For the third time in succession, Kesko was selected the best in its sector in the Dow Jones sustainability index.
This year, Kesko did not participate in the comparison of corporate responsibility reports arranged in Finland, because participation was subject to a considerable fee tied to the company net sales. Kesko sees that company comparisons released to the public must be independent of payments made by the companies.
Further information:
Jouko Kuisma, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Kesko Corporation, tel. +358 01053 23140 or +358 50 5143 043
Ulla Rehell, Senior Manager, Corporate Responsibility, Kesko Corporation, tel. +358 1053 22464 or +358 50 3839 426