EUR 1.5 billion syndicated credit facility for Sponda

Sponda has signed an agreement for a one-year syndicated credit facility for a total of EUR 1.5 billion. The credit facility is for purchasing the share stock of Kapiteeli Plc, for refinancing the company's loan portfolio, to cover transaction costs, and for general contingencies.
The participating banks are Danske Bank A/S, Eurohypo AG, Handelsbanken, Nordea and OKO Bank Plc. Nordea is acting as lead manager and underwriter of the loan facility.
Sponda Plc
For further details please contact:
Robert Öhman, Chief Financial Officer, tel. +358 9-6805 8206 or +358 40-540 0741
Sponda Plc is a real estate company specializing in commercial properties in Helsinki metropolitan area. Sponda's business concept is to own and develop office, retail and logistics properties into environments that promote the business success to its clients. The fair value of Sponda's investment properties is 1.37 billion euros and the lettable area is 890 000 m². Sponda is the largest investment company listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.