Active Biotech's Guaranteed Preferential Rights Issue of SEK 240 M; Correction

As reported in a press release dated December 18, 2006, the Board of Active Biotech has resolved to make a guaranteed preferential rights issue for SEK 240 M at an issue price of SEK 60 per share.
Through an oversight, the press release gave an incorrect number of shares that shareholders are entitled to subscribe for (it was erroneously stated that shareholders could subscribe to one new share for twelve shares held). The issue entitles the shareholders to subscribe, with preferential rights, for one new share for each ten shares held; this correction is hereby announced.
The volume issued, 4.0 million shares, as well as all other conditions for the rights issue, remain unchanged. Also the time schedule remains unchanged.
The rights issue remains fully guaranteed by MGA Holding AB and Nordstjernan AB, who, as earlier described, will subscribe for the full amount of shares corresponding to their preferential rights, to fully subscribe for any additional shares for which current shareholders choose not to subscribe, and if required, through conversion of convertibles and subsequent subscription of shares with preferential rights, secure that the company is provided with the full volume issued.
The issue in brief
  • Not more than 4.0 million shares issued
  • Issue price: SEK 60 per share
  • Record date for right to participate in issue: January 24, 2007
  • Issue period: January 26 - February 9, 2007
January 19, 2007
Final trading date, including right to obtain subscription rights
January 22,2007
First trading date, excluding right to obtain subscription rights
January 24, 2007
Record date for receipt of subscription rights 
January 25, 2007
Prospectus published
January 26, 2007
Subscription period opened
February 9, 2007
Subscription period closed
Lund, January 4, 2007
Active Biotech AB (publ)
Sven Andréasson
President and CEO
For further information, please contact:
Sven Andréasson
Tel: +46 (0)46-19 20 49
Hans Kolam, CFO
Tel: +46 (0)46-19 20 44
Active Biotech AB is a biotechnology company focusing on research and development of pharmaceuticals. Active Biotech has a strong R&D portfolio with pipeline products focused on autoimmune/inflammatory diseases and cancer. Most advanced projects are laquinimod, an orally administered small molecule with unique immunomodulatory properties for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, as well as ANYARA for use in cancer targeted therapy for the treatment of lung-, renal- and pancreatic cancer. Further key projects in clinical development comprise the three orally administered compounds TASQ for prostate cancer 57-57 for SLE and RhuDex® for RA. In addition, the preclinical development of the I-3D project is being conducted in cooperation with Chelsea Therapeutics.
Active Biotech AB
PO Box 724,
SE-220 07 Lund
Tel: +46 (0)46-19 20 00
Fax: +46 (0)46-19 20 50