Subscription of F-Secure shares with F-Secure 2002 warrants

                                        Translation from Finnish
                                        January 8, 2007

Subscription of F-Secure shares with F-Secure 2002 warrants

A total of 51,900 F-Secure shares were subscribed for with the A1/A2 warrants and
a total of 41,700 F-Secure shares were subscribed for with the B1/B2/B3 warrants
attached to the F-Secure 2002 Warrant Plan. The issue of the 2002 Warrant Plan
was approved by the Annual General Meeting on March 27, 2002, respectively.

In aggregate the number of shares was increased by 93,600. The corresponding
increase in the share capital, in total EUR 936.00 was registered in the Finnish
Trade Register on January 8, 2007. As a result of the increase, the share capital
of F-Secure currently is EUR 1,550,300.68 and the total number of shares is
155,030,068. F-Secure received as additional shareholders' equity a total of EUR

The holders of the new shares are entitled to all shareholders' rights from the
registration day. The Company has submitted an application for the new shares to
be listed on the Helsinki Exchanges together with the other Company shares. The
trading with the new shares will commence on January 9, 2007.

The subscription period for the A1 warrants began on November 1, 2003, for the A2
and B1 warrants on November 1, 2004, for the B2 warrants on November 1, 2005 and
for the B3 warrants on November 1, 2006 of the F-Secure 2002 Warrant Plan,

F-Secure Corporation

Taneli Virtanen

Additional information:

F-Secure Corporation
Taneli Virtanen, CFO                    tel.358 9 2520 5655

Helsinki Exchanges
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