LMB: Announcement of the state-owned JSC “Mortgage and Land Bank of Latvia”

Latvijas Hipotēku un zemes banka                       10.01.2007

Announcement of the state-owned JSC “Mortgage and Land Bank of Latvia”

Announcement of the state-owned JSC “Mortgage and Land Bank of Latvia” 
(hereinafter referred to as the Mortgage Bank) informs that the Board 
of the Mortgage Bank passed the following resolutions on 10 January 2007 
(Minutes No 2 of the Board meeting):

1.	on 15 February 2007, to reduce the issue volume of AI series 
mortgage bonds (ISIN code LV0000800118) from LVL 2,000,000.- 
(two million Latvian lats) to LVL 1,050,000.- (one million fifty 
thousand Latvian lats) in accordance with Article 6 of the Law on 
Mortgage Bonds and Article 3.5.2. of the prospectus of AI series 
mortgage bonds thus redeeming the mortgage bonds that the Mortgage Bank 
had acquired on the secondary market. 

2.	on 15 February 2007, to redeem the whole issue volume of 
BB series mortgage bonds (ISIN code LV0000800241) at their face 
value in accordance with Article of the prospectus of BB 
series mortgage bonds.

This resolution was made on the basis of the resolution “On Mandate 
of the Board of the Mortgage Bank”, passed on 4 February 2004 at 
the extraordinary shareholder’s meeting of the state-owned JSC 
“Mortgage and Land Bank of Latvia” (Minutes No 1, Article 4). 

Characteristics of the mortgage bonds redeemable prior to their maturity
Series of the mortgage bonds	                    AI	          BB
ISIN code 	                               LV0000800118  LV0000800241
Number of the redeemable mortgage bonds            9,500	50,000
Face value of the redeemable mortgage bonds    LVL 9,500,-   USD 5,000,000.-
Date of premature redemption	               15 February   15 February 
                                                   2007          2007

Deputy Chairman of the Board

Processed by
Mr. G.Henkels, 
telephone +371 7774050