Initial unconsolidated un-audited results for financial year 2006

Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank AS    Announcement    11 January 2007

Initial unconsolidated un-audited results for financial year 2006

Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank AS (BIG) continued growth in 2006, with more
than a double increase of all the primary economic indicators, as the bank's
initial un-audited financial results demonstrate.
The volume of loans issued by BIG rose by 113% during the year of 2006, reaching
969 million kroons by the end of the year. In 2006, BIG's total assets exceeded
for the first time the sum of one billion kroons, reaching 1.2 billion kroons by
the end of the year.
With the loan portfolio increase, equity of the bank grew during the year by 148
million kroons (114%). The bank's capitalisation remained on the same level
compared to the start of the year: as of 31 December of 2006 equity comprised 24%
of BIG's total assets.
BIG acquired the resources necessary to finance the increased loan volumes both
via bonds and deposits, as well as external bank loans. In 2006 BIG issued bonds
totalling 296 million kroons, accepted term deposits totalling 127 million kroons
and borrowed from other banks in Estonia the additional sum of 49 million kroons.
In 2006, the bank's liabilities grew by a total of 481 million kroons (118%).
The increase of BIG's volumes is caused by the general growth of the consumer
loans market and BIG's active operations aimed at expanding its market share. For
several years in a row BIG has been able to maintain a growth rate higher than
the market average.
BIG's main field of activity in 2006 was unchanged - to provide private persons
with consumer loans with real estate, surety and income guarantees, as well as
smaller unsecured loans. One important change was introduced in December when BIG
began offering quick SMS loans as well.

Targo Raus
Chairman of the Board
6309 938